What Others Say…About Dr. Swoope.
“Dr. Swoope, it was an honor and pleasure to have had you with us. To hold eight-hundred-fifty 12-to-14-year-olds captivated for 45 minutes is quite an accomplishment. You deserve the highest of praise and certainly our thanks! Our students sat and listened in rapt attention. As they left the assembly, many students commented, “That was awesome!” “That was a great assembly!” Our staff were moved…many to tears. Our seasoned veteran teacher and our youngest 7th-grader alike were moved in a significant way by your performance.
“-Edward J. O’Reilly, Principal
“Dr. Swoope, I have heard you before, but you took me by surprise this time. Our students really needed to hear you…please don’t stop doing what you do…”
-Dr. Rebecca Boyd
Educator, Retired
“Dr. Swoope was a great, great, great speaker! Do it again! Do it again!”
-Vernon Koonce,
Student University of New Mexico
“David, you are truly a gifted individual. I have no doubt that we will not only hear about you, but we will read about you as well. I look forward to hearing you again…soon.”
-Dr. Everett Tillman Minister,
Educator, and Civil Rights Activist
“Dr. Swoope, your speech was excellent! I look forward to seeing you again…”
-Sandra Taylor-Smith
Director of Small Business
Development Center
Clovis Community College
“Dr. Swoope, thank you! You really, really took us back…many, many years. You really brought our brother Martin back to life. I felt his spirit…I felt him come alive through you. Thank you!”
-Robert Getz
Civil Rights Activist
Friend & Advisor of the late
Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
“Dr. Swoope made me realize what Dr. King did for our country. He was riveting with his words.”
-Student, Kentucky
“Dr. Swoope was very energetic while speaking. He made it interesting to listen to him and he also taught us.”
-Student, Alabama
“Dr. Swoope was awesome! He left the crowd and I amazed! I hope to hear him again in my life.”
-Student, New Mexico
“It was really an excellent assembly. The children were very engaged and participated with interest.”
-Maria Bonachea,
Cultural Diversity Coordinator – Ohio
“Excellent! Dr. Swoope tied together everything our students have been working towards…Celebration of Diversity.”
-Jeff Clingo, Principal – Ohio
“Dr. Swoope is the bomb…!”
-Student, Ohio
Timely, informative, good timing…excellent job.”-D.C. Dobbins,
Associate Vice President of Cultural Affairs –East Tennessee State University
“Excellent topic, delivery and presentation.
Swoope’s ability to captivate the audience is remarkable!
“His topic, Up Where We Belong, incorporated the necessity of reaching back to help.”
-Dr. Marian H. Whitson,
Professor –East Tennessee State University
“Dr. Swoope, you have really been a blessing to our congregation and to the City of Akron. Thanks again for blessing us with your many talents!”
-Dr. Ronald Fowler
Pastor of Arlington Street Church of God
Akron, Ohio
“Dr. Swoope has truly been an inspiration to us. If you really want something done and you really want it done right, just call David Swoope, Jr. Thank you for blessing us!”
-Leslie Parker-Barnes Writer,
Theatrical Director,
Musical Director/Song-Writer/Singer
“-Edward J. O’Reilly, Principal
“Dr. Swoope, I have heard you before, but you took me by surprise this time. Our students really needed to hear you…please don’t stop doing what you do…”
-Dr. Rebecca Boyd
Educator, Retired
“Dr. Swoope was a great, great, great speaker! Do it again! Do it again!”
-Vernon Koonce,
Student University of New Mexico
“David, you are truly a gifted individual. I have no doubt that we will not only hear about you, but we will read about you as well. I look forward to hearing you again…soon.”
-Dr. Everett Tillman Minister,
Educator, and Civil Rights Activist
“Dr. Swoope, your speech was excellent! I look forward to seeing you again…”
-Sandra Taylor-Smith
Director of Small Business
Development Center
Clovis Community College
“Dr. Swoope, thank you! You really, really took us back…many, many years. You really brought our brother Martin back to life. I felt his spirit…I felt him come alive through you. Thank you!”
-Robert Getz
Civil Rights Activist
Friend & Advisor of the late
Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
“Dr. Swoope made me realize what Dr. King did for our country. He was riveting with his words.”
-Student, Kentucky
“Dr. Swoope was very energetic while speaking. He made it interesting to listen to him and he also taught us.”
-Student, Alabama
“Dr. Swoope was awesome! He left the crowd and I amazed! I hope to hear him again in my life.”
-Student, New Mexico
“It was really an excellent assembly. The children were very engaged and participated with interest.”
-Maria Bonachea,
Cultural Diversity Coordinator – Ohio
“Excellent! Dr. Swoope tied together everything our students have been working towards…Celebration of Diversity.”
-Jeff Clingo, Principal – Ohio
“Dr. Swoope is the bomb…!”
-Student, Ohio
Timely, informative, good timing…excellent job.”-D.C. Dobbins,
Associate Vice President of Cultural Affairs –East Tennessee State University
“Excellent topic, delivery and presentation.
Swoope’s ability to captivate the audience is remarkable!
“His topic, Up Where We Belong, incorporated the necessity of reaching back to help.”
-Dr. Marian H. Whitson,
Professor –East Tennessee State University
“Dr. Swoope, you have really been a blessing to our congregation and to the City of Akron. Thanks again for blessing us with your many talents!”
-Dr. Ronald Fowler
Pastor of Arlington Street Church of God
Akron, Ohio
“Dr. Swoope has truly been an inspiration to us. If you really want something done and you really want it done right, just call David Swoope, Jr. Thank you for blessing us!”
-Leslie Parker-Barnes Writer,
Theatrical Director,
Musical Director/Song-Writer/Singer